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Hi. I have a question about this article. I'm pretty sure only purple elephants live in New York! JayRandumWikiUser 02:49, 10 Nov 2021 (UTC)
대댓글 등을 달고 싶은 경우 이전 댓글과 똑같은 갯수의 콜론 등을 사용하셔야 합니다.
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::: Okay, these elephant journals agree with me: ::: * [http://www.ElephantsMonthly.com/NewYork Elephants Monthly] ::: * [http://www.ElephantsWorld.com/Purple Elephants World] ::: * [http://www.ElephantsEnthusiast.com/10-12-15 Elephants Enthusiast] ::: I've done my research! ~~~~ |